Holding meetings

When a society should meet, and how

New legislation for incorporated societies

Between 5 October 2023 and 5 April 2026 there are 2 Acts in force.

If your society —

  • registered for the first time on or after 5 October 2023, the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (2022 Act) applies.
  • registered before 5 October 2023 and has reregistered since then, the 2022 Act applies.
  • registered before 5 October 2023 and has not yet reregistered, the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 (1908 Act) applies.

Meetings are an essential part of running an incorporated society.

The requirements for calling and holding meetings must be set out in your society’s rules or its constitution.

Types of meeting

Where all members of a society are invited to attend a meeting, it is called a ‘general meeting’. Societies must hold at least one general meeting each year – its Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Depending on the structure of the society, committee or sub-committee meetings may also be needed to deal with specific issues.

‘Ordinary meetings’ are held to conduct business for which no special notice needs to be given (for example, a sports club’s monthly meetings).

This information only applies to societies registered under the 1908 Act
This information only applies to societies registered under the 1908 Act

General meetings

Your incorporated society is required to hold at least one general meeting a year, at which the members approve the society’s annual financial statements. This meeting is usually known as the annual general meeting (AGM). In addition to approving the annual financial statements, the meeting will elect officers (for example, a chair person, secretary) and approve any necessary rule changes. This could be a good time for your society to agree to reregister under the 2022 Act. Getting ready for reregistering

Your society’s rules may allow for other general meetings to be held during the year – for example, special (one-off) general meetings may be needed if the society has to consider some urgent or important matter that can't wait until the next AGM.

The society’s rules must include:

  • how notice of a general meeting will be given to members
  • how business at a general meeting will be conducted – for example, proposing resolutions or nominating people for election
  • how members may vote.

If the rules are no longer appropriate, they should be updated. Any amendments to a society's rules are only valid once registered by us. Until then the existing rules must be followed.

This information only applies to societies registered under the 2022 Act
This information only applies to societies registered under the 2022 Act

General meetings

Your society needs to hold at least one general meeting a year – its Annual General Meeting (AGM). You must hold your AGM within 6 months of your society’s balance date (its end of financial year).

The Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (2022 Act) sets out what information your committee must present at each AGM, namely —

  • An annual report on the operations and affairs of your society for the most recently completed accounting period.
  • The society’s financial statements for that period.
  • Details of any conflict of interests disclosed during the financial year. This must include a brief summary of the matters, or types of matters, to which those disclosures relate.

At the AGM it’s also common to elect officers and it can be a good time to vote on changes, like amending your society's constitution.

Your society must keep minutes of each AGM.

Your society’s constitution may allow for other general meetings to be held during the year. For example, your society may need to hold a special (one-off) general meeting if it has to consider some urgent or important matter that can't wait until the next AGM.

Refer to your constitution for specific guidance for general meetings

Your constitution must cover how your society will call and hold general meetings. It must also cover things like —

  • how and when notices of motion are notified
  • meeting quorums, and
  • how members vote – including by proxy, post, or electronic means.

If the constitution is no longer appropriate, it should be updated. Amendments to your society's constitution only take effect once they have been registered by us. Until then the existing constitution must be followed.

Committee meetings

Societies are run by their committee. Your committee members — your society’s officers — are chosen by your society to manage, direct and supervise its operations and affairs.

To operate effectively your society’s committee will need to meet regularly throughout the year.

Again, your society’s constitution must cover certain aspects of these meetings, such as —

  • committee meeting quorums,
  • how officers vote, and
  • whether the committee chairperson (if there is one) has a casting vote.

Learn more about committees and officers

The section below applies to all societies

The information below applies to all societies, no matter which Act they're currently registered under.

Guidance on running meetings

There are a number of commercial publications available to buy that deal specifically with how to run a meeting, including the taking of minutes, recording of resolutions, and how to debate issues. CommunityNet Aotearoa also have some useful ‘how to’ guides on preparing for and running meetings.

All help topics

Getting started on the register 7 guides

Searching the Incorporated Societies Register 2 guides

Find out how to search our registers for information about incorporated societies, and other entities

Starting an incorporated society 5 guides

To incorporate a society in New Zealand you must submit an application, along with the required documents, and pay a registration fee.

Reregistering under the 2022 Act 6 guides

Running your incorporated society 7 guides

Once you’ve registered, you’ll need to keep your details on the register up to date, and follow the rules that apply to incorporated societies and how they are run.

Meeting your annual filing requirements 3 guides

Once you've registered your incorporated society, you'll need to file annual financial statements. Societies registered under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 must also complete an annual return.

Ending an incorporated society 2 guides

When an incorporated society reaches the end of its 'life', it must be wound up and removed from the register. Here we outline the ways this can be done – by dissolving the society (1908 Act), removing the society from the register (2022 Act) or placing it in liquidation.

Restoring an incorporated society to the register 2 guides

An application can be made to us to have an incorporated society restored to the register, by the society itself, or by a creditor. You'll need to provide evidence to support your application.

Forms and fees 3 guides

The forms you might need to update a society's details, along with the fees that apply and ways you can pay.

Managing your online account 7 guides