Applying to reregister your society

How to apply, and what you’ll need to provide

Act now to reregister your society

Don’t leave it too late to get reregistration sorted.

Your society must reregister before April 2026 to continue operating as an incorporated society. Your next AGM is the perfect opportunity to agree on reregistration and changes to your society’s constitution.

By the time you’re ready to apply to reregister your society there are several things you need to have already done.

To reregister your society, you must complete an online application but there are no fees to pay. You will need to provide certain information about your society along with a copy of your society’s constitution. We’ll process your application, and we aim to let you know the outcome within 3 working days.

New Zealand Companies Office

View transcript


Duration: 13:47


A title screen appears with the words “How to reregister your society on the Incorporated Societies Register website”. The screen includes the logos for the New Zealand Companies Office and the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.


How to reregister your society on the Incorporated Societies Register website. If you’re an existing user and have previously used the Incorporated Societies Register on behalf of your society, your RealMe and account information will remain the same.


A screen appears with the words “If you’re an existing user and have previously used the Incorporated Societies Register website on behalf of your society, your RealMe and account information will remain the same.”

Note: The audio reads the wording on the screen.


If you're an existing user and have previously used the Incorporated Societies Register on behalf of your society, your RealMe and account information will remain the same.


A screen appears describing what’s required to reregister online.

Note: The audio reads the wording on the screen.


To use the Incorporated Societies Register website to reregister your society under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (2022 Act) you will need to:

  1. Log in with RealMe, using your username and password.
  2. Have an account.
  3. Have authority over the incorporated society you are acting for.

If you already have authority over your society, it's important to use your existing RealMe.


A screen appears with the words ‘How to obtain authority’.

The screen changes to a page where a web address. You see the cursor moving as the address is entered. The home page of the Incorporated Societies website appears.

You see highlighted the words 'Help centre' and the cursor moving selecting, the 'Help centre' button, on the website header.


Step 1, visit On the homepage, click on the Help Centre menu option. This will take you to the Help centre page.


You are taken to the help centre page; a set of fields are displayed where keeping society details up to date is highlighted and the cursor is placed to select this.


Step 2, click the help topic Keeping society details up to date.


The cursor moves to highlight and select confirming your authority to manage information.


Step 3, you will need to click on the 'Confirming your authority to manage information' option and you will need to select one of the 4 available options to gain authority over your society.


A title screen appears with the words “if you have authority, and you are ready to start reregistering” and lists what’s required to reregister (as per audio).


You will need to have:

  1. A copy of your society's approved constitution – compliant with the 2022 Act,
  2. contact name, physical address, email address and phone number of a contact person. You can have up to 3 contact people, and finally
  3. name and address of the society's officers. You'll need a minimum of 3 who have consented and certified in writing that they meet the criteria to be an officer.


The cursor moves to the browser's address bar, and enters the address


Once you have this information, go to the Incorporated Societies Register website at


The Incorporated Societies home page appears. You see the cursor moving to and selecting the Login button.


On the homepage, click on the Login button.


The Companies Office RealMe login page appears. You see the Username and Password fields being completed and the cursor moving to and selecting, the Login button.


In the Login with RealMe area on the left, enter your RealMe username and password. In the Login with RealMe area on the left, enter your RealMe username and password. This will take you to your dashboard. Under My Businesses, you will find the societies you hold authority for.


A window pops up with a message and the audio reads the wording in this window.


If you have forgotten your RealMe details, select either the Forgot Username or Forgot Password option. If you need help to gain access to RealMe linked to your society, call the RealMe Helpdesk on 0508 633 564.


Screen appears with the words 'Using your dashboard'.


Using your dashboard


The screen changes to show the dashboard and fields available on the dashboard. The 'My Businesses' field is highlighted, then 'My Completed Tasks' and 'My Reminders' field. The cursor moves and selects an entity listed under 'My Businesses' field.


Once you've logged in, on your dashboard, you will see the following, listed under My Businesses you will see societies you hold authority for. My Incomplete Tasks, this contains any tasks you've saved but have not completed. My Completed Tasks, this lists all the tasks that you have completed, and My Reminders which is a list of reminders sent to you. Click on the name of the society you are wanting to reregister. You will be taken to the View Details page.


The view details page appears on screen with the details of the entity selected. A number of fields are shown.

The cursor moves and selects the drop-down arrow on Maintain Incorporated Society field. The field expands and the cursor selects 'Reregister Under 2022 Act'.


On the right of the page under the Maintain Incorporated Society menu option, select the down arrow. In the drop-down menu, click on Reregister Under 2022 Act. You will be taken to a page where you complete your society's reregistration application.


The Application to reregister as an Incorporated Society page appears, showing several fields that need to be completed under the general details part of the application.

A page with the words Adding General Details appears.


Adding general details.


The general details part of the application appears and is scrolled through highlighting red asterisks along with a highlighted note, the audio reads out this note.


Throughout this application, you'll see red asterisks. This means these are mandatory fields. You may also note that there are question marks beside some fields. You can click on the question mark icons to read the help text.


Focus returns to the first question and the cursor moves and selects the ‘Yes’ option beside the question ‘The number of members is more than 10 according to section 8 (1) of Incorporated Societies Act 2022. The cursor the moves to the Proposed constitution filed and the cursor moves and selects the upload button. The screen shows the documents folder, held on the on the computer. The cursor selects the document, and the screen goes back to the application and shows the uploaded document linked.

A note appears on screen which audio reads out.

  • The balance date field is highlighted, the cursor moves and selects the arrow, and selects the balance date month.
  • Signatory details field is highlighted, the cursor moves to designation field and selects the officer option.
  • The cursor moves and selects the certification field ‘ hereby certify that at the time of the application’.
  • The cursor moves and selects the Next Step – addresses button.


Under the General Details section, there are several things you will need to do.

  • Step 1, confirm that your society has 10 or more members by selecting the Yes option, then continue to the Proposed Constitution part.
  • Step 2, under Proposed Constitution, click the Upload button and upload a copy of your constitution. You must upload a constitution to continue with your application. Your society's constitution must comply with the 2022 Act and be approved by the society's members. Once you have uploaded the constitution, it will appear like this.
  • Step 3, you will now need to check your balance date. If the balance date populated is correct, continue to step four. If the balance date is incorrect, select the down arrow and select the correct balance date.
  • Step 4, there is an option to provide any documents that support your application. This is optional. Use the Upload button to upload any additional documents.
  • Step 5, enter signatory details. As the person making the application on behalf of the society, you will need to provide your name and select your designation from the drop-down list. The date will populate automatically.
  • Step 6, you will need to certify the application by ticking the box to the left confirming the 2 listed statements.
  • After you've done this, click on the Next Step: Addresses button.


The 'Save and Exit' button is highlighted on the General details page, and a note appears. Audio reads out the note.

A 'Save application' dialogue box appears with an 'OK' button.


If you use the Save and Exit button at this point, you will then need to click on the Ok button and your application will be saved.

Should you close your browser without saving your application, it will not be saved, and you will need to start again.


A page appears with the logo and words getting back to your saved application.


Getting back to your saved application. The following steps set out how to get back to your saved application, otherwise, continue to addresses.


Screen is taken back to the Dashboard and highlights an application under the My Incomplete Tasks field. The cursor moves and selects this application.


Getting back to your saved application. The following steps set out how to get back to your saved application, otherwise, continue to addresses. To continue with your saved application, return to your dashboard. On your dashboard, Under My Incomplete Tasks, select your saved application. This will take you back to where you left off.


A page appears with the words adding or updating addresses.


Adding or updating addresses. In this step, you will be able to update existing address details or add details of new addresses.


The application to reregister as an Incorporated Society application, addresses page appears. The cursor moves and selects the add button and then moves to the done button. The cursor moves and select the add button, cursor moves and selects copy registered office button, cursor moves and selects done button. Note appears on screen and audio reads out the note. Edit button is highlighted.


On the Addresses page, addresses currently on record for the society, e.g., your registered office and communication address will populate automatically. If any of these details are not recorded or are incorrect, you will need to update them. To add these details, click on the Add button to the left of the page.

  • Step 2, check the address for your registered office. To add this address, click on the Add button under the heading, it must be a physical address, not a postal address.
  • Step 3, click on the Done button.
  • Step 4, check the addresses for communication. This isn't made public. We'll use it if we need to send letters to your society. Choose an address that is actively monitored by someone in your society. To update this address, click on the Add button under the heading Addresses for Communication.
  • Step 5, click on the Copy Registered Office button if the address is the same as the registered office address, or add a new address and click on the Done button. If you have made an error, you can either remove or edit the address using the Edit or Remove buttons on the right.
  • Once you've entered the correct details, save the addresses by clicking on the Done button.


A page appears with the words Adding or updating contact persons details.


Adding or updating contact persons' details.


The application to reregister as an Incorporated Society application, addresses page appears. A note appears on screen and audio reads out the note.

The screen scrolls down and highlights the contact person details fields. Note appears and audio reads out the note.

The cursor moves and selects the add a contact person button. Once add a contact person is selected another set of fields is displayed where you enter in the

  • name
  • address
  • phone numbers,
  • email address and
  • start date of the contact person.

The cursor scrolls down to the done button. The completed screen appears and displays a note and audio reads out the note.

The edit and remove contact persons buttons are highlighted. A note appears and audio reads the note.


Societies must have at least one contact person. Their details are only for the Registrar to use, they won't be made publicly available.

In this step, you will be able to update existing contact persons' details or add details of new contact persons.

Under Contact Person Details, you will need to provide details of at least 1 person and a maximum of 3. Click on the add a contact person button. This will take you to a form to complete, where you will need to provide the name and address of each contact person, as well as the email address, a phone number, which is optional and the start date. Once you've entered these details, click on the Done button.

Note, to edit or remove the contact person's details, click on either Edit Contact Person or Remove Contact Person buttons on the right.

If you receive an error message after clicking on the Next Step: Officers button, you've likely missed something, so scroll up the page to find what's missing.


Highlighted on the screen is the add another contact person button.


To add another contact person, click on the Add Another Contact Person button at the top, repeating the same steps. Once you've added the details for all contact persons, click on the Next Step: Officers button.


Cursor moves and selects Next Step officer button. Page changes and displays the words ‘Adding or updating officers’ details.


In this step, you will be able to update existing officers' details or add details of new officers of the society. You must have a minimum of 3 officers.


Page displays officers’ details part of the application, with a note what the audio reads out. The Save & Exit button is highlighted.


If you use the Save & Exit button at this point, you will then need to click on the Ok button and your application will be saved. Should you close your browser without saving your application, it will not be saved, and you will need to start again.


A note displays and audio reads this out, and highlights the cease button.


If the officer is no longer an officer, you will need to use the 'Cease' button at the bottom of the page. A society must still have at least 3 officers.


The Officers page displays, with fields to be added or edited.


A society must still have at least 3 officers.

Step 1, if you need to update details of an existing officer, select the officer and click on the 'Edit Officer' button on the right.


Edit button is highlighted and the cursor moves and selects the edit officer button, the page is displayed, and fields are available to edit. The member field is highlighted, and the cursor moves to and selects the ‘Yes’ option. Note appears which audio reads.


On this page, you will need to confirm if the officer is a member of this society by selecting the Yes or No option.

The majority of your committee must be members of the society and may include —

  • representatives of a body corporate that is a member of the society, or 
  • representatives of an unincorporated body that is a member of the society (if the constitution permits this).


Note appears on screen and start date field is highlighted on officer details page.


The start date for the officers will be the date on which you submit the application for your society's reregistration.


Cursor scrolls up the page to the officer type field and a note appears which audio reads out. A note "the term 'Registered Union Contact’ only applies to societies that are registered labour unions" appears.


The officer type pre-populates with the Society Officer option.

If you are a Registered Union, you can select the down arrow to the right of this question so that you can also add a Registered Union Contact, if required.


Cursor scrolls up to type and selects the down arrow and selects Society officer.


If you are adding another officer, click on the Add another Officer on the left.


Cursor moves up and selects add another officer.


If you as the applicant are an officer, you can click on the Add me as an Officer button at the top.


Button is highlighted and cursor moves and selects the add me as an officer button. Cursor scrolls down page and fills in the fields. Cursor moves to the member field and selects the ‘Yes’ option.


If you as the applicant are an officer, you can click on the Add me as an Officer button at the top. You will need to confirm if an officer is a member of the society by selecting the Yes or No option, then review that all contact information is correct or update any incorrect information.


Cursor scrolls down to the bottom of the page, the cursor highlights the certification field, the cursor moves and selects the I hereby certify field and then moves to the done button and selects this.


For each officer, you will need to confirm that they have certified that they are not disqualified and that they consent to being an officer.

By ticking the box at the bottom left, you are certifying the 2 statements, then click on the Done button.


The officer details page is shown in full as well as the Next Step Review button at the button of the page.


You will need to repeat these steps for each officer. Once you've added all officers click on the Next Step: Review button at the bottom of the page.


Cursor scrolls to top of page showing an error message and highlighting the section of the application where the error can be found, the cursor moves and selects the edit officer button, and moves to the highlighted member field and selects the ‘Yes’ option. The cursor moves and selects the certification filed and then moves to the done button.


If you receive an error message, after clicking on the Next Step: Review button, you've likely missed something, scroll up the page to find out what's missing. Click on the Edit Officer button on the right of the page. Update the required fields and click on the Done button under the date and certification fields.


The page changes and the words 'Reviewing and submitting your application' display.


Reviewing and submitting your application.


The display changes to show the review page, the cursor scrolls down the page displaying the full details previously entered. An edit button is highlighted under the officer’s section. A note appears and audio reads out, while cursor continues to scroll through. The cursor moves to and selects the apply button. A note appears which audio reads out.


On the Review page under the Application to reregister as an Incorporated Society heading, carefully review all the details you've provided.

If you need to edit any of the information prior to applying, click on the 'Edit' button to the right of the section you need to update. You will not be able to make changes to your application after you click on the Apply button.

If all the information is correct, click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the page. If you think you've made an error in the information you've provided, and you've clicked on the Apply button, you will need to call us on 0508 762 438.


A title screen appears with the words “What happens once you’ve applied for reregistration?”. The screen includes the logos for the New Zealand Companies Office and the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment. Audio reads out words displayed on screen.


What happens once you've applied for reregistration?

We will email you a confirmation of your society's reregistration within 3 working days. The email will contain a copy of your society's certificate confirming its registration under the 2022 Act.


The Incorporated societies home page appears, the cursor scrolls to the law changes for societies tile which is highlighted. A message displays which audio reads.


For more information, go to our Law Changes Hub on our website If you have any questions about the law changes, you can email us at

The information you’ll need to confirm or provide

When you apply for reregistration, you’ll need to confirm or provide the following information about your society.

Your society’s name

When you apply to reregister you can’t change your society’s name, but we will display the current name that’s recorded on the register.

Under the 2022 Act your society’s name must end with one or more of the following words — ‘Manatōpū’, ‘Incorporated’ or ‘Inc’.  If your society wants to change its name — even if only to replace the word ‘Incorporated’ with one of the other options allowed by the 2022 Act — you will first need to reregister, then apply to change your society’s name.

Confirm you have the minimum number of members

You’ll need to confirm you have the minimum number of members required to reregister your society under the 2022 Act.

Your society must have at least 10 members and your membership can include individuals and body corporates (for example, charitable trust boards, companies, or other incorporated societies). When you’re counting your membership numbers, a body corporate counts as 3 individual members.

Upload a copy of the society's proposed constitution

You’ll need to upload a copy of the constitution your society has prepared. The constitution must comply with the 2022 Act. It must also have been approved by your members at a general meeting.

Your balance date

You’ll need to reconfirm your society’s balance date. We will display the balance date that we have recorded in the register, but you can update this if the balance date has changed. This date should have been decided as part of drafting your society’s constitution.

The ‘balance date’ is the last day of your financial year and it also plays an important role in determining other deadlines for your society. In particular, within 6 months of each balance date your society must —

  • prepare its annual financial statements
  • hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • present its financial statements at the AGM, and
  • file an annual return with us, along with its annual financial statements.

Your society’s contact details

Registered office address

We will display the current registered office address that we have recorded in the register, but you can update this if needed. Under the 2022 Act you must notify us at least 5 working days before a change of address for the registered office is due to take effect. This means you will need to choose a date at least 5 working days after your reregistration application date.

The registered office address is the official address for your society and will be displayed on the register. It’s where your society’s records, including your register of members, are kept. It’s also an address that anyone can use to contact your society and deliver any legal documents, such as court documents.

It must be a full physical address - you can’t use a Post Office box, Private Bag or DX address as the registered office.

Address for communications – physical or postal

We will display the current address for communications that we have recorded in the register, but you can update this if needed.

We’ll use this address if we need to send letters to your society so it should be an address that’s actively monitored by someone in your society. The address for communications can be either a physical address or a postal address.

Email address for communications

We will display the current email address for communications that we have recorded in the register, but you can update this if needed.

This email address won’t be visible on the public register, but it will be used by us as our main point of contact with your society. We’ll use this email address to send reminders to file your society’s annual financial statements and annual return so choose an address that’s regularly checked by someone in your society and make sure it’s kept up to date.

Phone number

You have the option to provide us with a contact phone number for your society – a landline or a mobile phone number. The number will not be visible on the public register, it will only be used by us as another point of contact.

Details of at least one contact person

Your society must have at least one contact person and no more than 3. Your society’s constitution must specify how each contact person is appointed or elected. To be a contact person they don’t need to be an officer of your society, but it should be someone who can handle enquiries from us, so it’s important to keep their details up to date.

For each contact person you’ll need to provide their name, a physical or postal address, an email address and a telephone number. The contact person’s address details need to be different than the society addresses for communication provided above.

Details of committee members and other officers

You must record the names and contact details for each of your society’s officers and advise which officers are members of your society. You’ll also need to certify that they have —

  • consented in writing to being an officer and
  • certified that they are not disqualified from being an officer.

Your society must have at least 3 people on its committee and each person on the committee is an officer of your society. Other people can also be appointed as officers even if they’re not part of the elected committee. This includes anyone who holds a position which allows them to exercise significant influence over the management or administration of the society. Learn more about committees and officers

Most of the information you need to provide about your officers is kept private

This means it can only be seen by the Registrar or people who have authority to update your society’s information on the register. The only details that the public will see are your officer’s names and their appointment dates.

Who can see the information you provide

Most of the details you provide about your society in your application for reregistration will be made publicly available on the Incorporated Societies Register. Anyone searching for your society on the register will be able to see these details.

Some specific information will be kept private, such as contact person details and officer addresses. This means it can only be seen by the Registrar or people who have authority to update your society’s information on the register.

How to complete and submit your application

Before you can apply online, you must have:

  • a RealMe login
  • an online services account for the Incorporated Societies Register.
  • authority to manage information on behalf of your society.

Step by step

  1. Log in to your online services account.
  2. On the dashboard, select the society you wish to update from 'My Businesses'.
  3. Open the ‘Maintain Incorporated Society’ menu and choose ‘Reregister Under 2022 Act’.

Complete your application, one section (or tab) at a time.

General details

  • We’ll display the current name of the society.
  • Upload your society’s constitution, as well as any other supporting documents you wish to submit.
  • Confirm your society’s balance date.
  • Complete the signatory details section.
The signatory needs to certify the application

The person who completes the application must be able to certify that, at the time of the application:

  1. The number of members is at least 10 for the purposes of section 8(1) of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, and
  2. The constitution you have uploaded complies with the requirements of section 26 of the Act.


We’ll display the addresses and phone numbers that are recorded on the register for your society.

You’ll need to provide the details of each contact person that your society has appointed or elected. You’ll also need to check, and if necessary, update the society’s:

  • registered office address
  • address for communication
  • phone numbers.
Updating your registered office address

Under the 2022 Act you must notify us at least 5 working days before a change of address for the registered office is due to take effect. You will need to choose a start date that’s at least 5 working days after your reregistration application date.


Under the 2022 Act each officer’s details must be recorded on the register. Every society must have at least 3 officers and most of the officers must also be members.

We’ll display any officer details currently recorded on the register. You’ll need to check these details, and if necessary, update them.

  • Add any officers that aren’t already listed – their name, physical address, email address and start date.
    • Confirm whether they are a member.
    • You can also choose to include an officer’s role if they have one. For example, chairperson.
  • If necessary, edit the details of any officers who will continue to act after reregistration.


Check that the information you’ve provided in the application is correct.


Submit your completed application (it’s free to apply).

Apply to reregister a society under 2022 Act

What happens next

We will process your application

We aim to process your application within 3 working days from the date you submitted it to us. If it’s in order, we will update the Incorporated Societies Register to reflect that your society has reregistered under the 2022 Act and issue an updated Certificate of Incorporation.

If we have any questions about your application, we’ll get in touch with the person who completed the application and let you know what we need.

You'll receive an updated Certificate of Incorporation

We’ll email an updated Certificate of Incorporation to the person who completed the application and to your society’s email address for communication.

Operating after reregistration

Once your society is reregistered, your society must comply with the 2022 Act. The constitution you uploaded when you applied for reregistration governs the way your society will operate. Your society’s new constitution takes effect on the day we accept your society’s reregistration application.

Your society will need to keep certain details up to date on the register, so be sure to check what’s needed any time you need to change things such as your society’s addresses, officers’ details, contact person’s details or your society’s constitution. Your committee will also need to file your society’s financial statements and annual return every year to remain on the register. We have guides in the Help Centre on our website to help you meet all your ongoing obligations to the Registrar.

Published 5 October 2023, updated 8 February 2024