Removal notice — Section 175(1)(a)
Notice of intention to remove 1 society from the Incorporated Societies Register.
I have received a request in the prescribed form to remove the following society from the register under section 175(1)(a) of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
I am satisfied that either the society has ceased to operate, has discharged in full their debts and liabilities to all known creditors, and have distributed their surplus assets in accordance with their constitution and this Act OR that the society has no surplus assets after paying their debts and liabilities in full or in part, and no creditor has applied to the Court for an order putting the society into liquidation.
Unless, under section 178 of the Incorporated Societies Act, written objection to the removal of the above-named society is delivered to the Registrar by 18 March 2025 being not less than 20 working days after the date of this notice, I am required to remove the society from the register.
Dated 13th day of February 2025
Registrar of Incorporated Societies
Email address for objections: